Heritage Activities

We like to encourage heritage activities in the locality. To this end we have set up a range of courses to engage interest and develop individual skills.

Over the past few years we have held sessions on a wide range of interests including hedge laying, rag rug making, rope making, wreath making, Christmas and Easter baking, cooking game , rush weaving, drawing and painting , leather work, spinning and weaving wool. One of our most popular activities is making stained glass panels, which we have continued to run on a frequent basis.

Please contact heritageactivities@thelnethamvillagehall.co.uk if you would like more information – or if you would like to run a workshop yourself! Details of how to book a place on a course are below.


Upcoming Activities

To book your place on an activity you can either;

Click on the activities to book at the bottom of this page  –
Please fill out a separate booking form with the details for each person attending.

Email heritageactivities@thelnethamvillagehall.co.uk

Or Phone Carol on 01379 898729

Payment must be made before booking can be confirmed.

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